
Start Time

The start time of an assignment sets when a user can see and submit solutions to problems within the assignment.

End Time

The end time of an assignment is a soft limit of when a user can submit solutions to problems within the assignment.

Allow Submissions Until

This setting is a hard limit of when a user can submit solutions to problems within the assignment. A late penalty (if set) will be aplied to the submission score.

Late Penalty

The late penalty type determines how much points is deducted from the submission score. For example, if:

  1. The late penalty type is Linear

  2. The Allow Submissions Until date is set to 24 hours after the End Time

  3. The user submitted exactly 12 hours after the End Time

  4. The user received 100 points before the late penalty is applied

Then the resulting score would 50 points (exactly half the max score of 100 points).

Show Scores

If this setting is Enabled, then users can see the scores for the assignment.

Max Team Size

This setting defaults to 1 and sets the maximum number of users that can submit together.

Last updated