

A team allows for one or members to submit to an assignment on behalf of other members.


Leaving a team

Team scores will persist even after your leave your team. However, once you leave your team, you may not re-join the team if the team has already made one submission. This is done to encourage a team to work together from the start and to prevent potential abuse where a team member joins after the assignment has been completed.

On Submission

When submitting, your individual submission count and team submission count will increment. If your individual submission count or the team’s submission count is greater than the maximum number of submissions, you will be unable to submit. After the submission has been graded, all team members should receive the same score.

Inviting a Member

There is no limit to the number of members a team can have. However, when submitting, the assignment’s set max team size may prevent the submission from succeeding.

Joining a Team

If you have previously submitted individually and your team submits for a lower score, your individual score will be used as your final score. That is, the highest score is kept regardless of whether it was made individually or within your team.

Last updated